Symphony of Science: The Unbroken Thread

“The Unbroken Thread” is the fourth video in the Symphony of Science series, and it features David Attenborough, Jane Goodall, and Carl Sagan. The clips used in this installment come from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, David Attenborough’s Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life, The Life of Mammals, The Living Planet, BBC Life, XVIVO Scientific Animations, […]

There’s a Hole In the Moon, Dear Liza, and Other Space Discoveries

With only two days down, it’s already been a great week to be a space geek. First up? Moon news. You might have missed over the weekend, but scientists have discovered a “lunar hole” that experts are saying may make an ideal home for future moon colonists. Yes, you read that right. According to researchers, […]

Science is Sexy: Why Do We Get Sick More in the Wintertime?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Well it’s that time of year….of flu’s and rhinos (Rhinoviruses) and sniffles, OH MY! Yes, everyone seems to be getting sick. With all of these things going on, it might get you thinking…why now? Why do we always get sick more in the winter?  Well to answer that […]

Five Innovations that Will Change Cities in the Next Five Years

Today, IBM unveiled a list of innovations that have the potential to change how people live, work and play in cities around the globe over the next five to ten years: Cities will have healthier immune systems. City buildings will sense and respond like living organisms. Cars and city buses will run on empty. Smarter […]

Console modification not just for game piracy

It appears as if the field of  science and technology is the next great battleground for the games console war. Following creative uses for the Xbox 360 and PS3, two scientists have developed new ways to use the Wii’s controller. Hydrologist Willem Luxemburg and physicist Rolf Hut, both from the Dutch university Delft, showed off […]