Console modification not just for game piracy

It appears as if the field ofย  science and technology is the next great battleground for the games console war. Following creative uses for the Xbox 360 and PS3, two scientists have developed new ways to use the Wii’s controller. Hydrologist Willem Luxemburg and physicist Rolf Hut, both from the Dutch university Delft, showed off […]

Nanotubes + Ink + Paper = Instant Battery

By covering a simple piece of paper with ink made of carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires, Stanford researchers were able to create a simple, low-cost battery, which can be used almost anywhere, allowing for many clever applications. Check it out in the video below. “This technology has potential to be commercialized within a short time,” […]

Do women have an equal chance in science?

Two female winners of this year’s Nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine have called for more flexibility in working practices to allow women to play a greater role in science. Elizabeth Blackburn (pictured left) and Carol Greider (pictured right) told the Associated Press that men and women start their science careers in roughly equal numbers, […]