Metal Foam: A New Revolutionary Material

Mechanical and aerospace engineering professor Afsaneh Rabiei recently invented a new material that is actually stronger than stainless steel but lighter than aluminum. Rabiei’s metal foam is primarily made out of hollow steel spheres surrounded by aluminum. According to the following news report, it can absorb seven to eight times the energy absorbed by other […]

Science is Sexy: How Does the Body Defend Against Diseases?

Byย Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] We live in a world governed not by the biggest creatures, but by the smallest. ย Our bodies act as vessels for all that we call “ourselves,” forming a barrier between “out there” and “in here.” ย While that barrier is not as simple as a wall or a single membrane, […]

David Spiegelhalter: Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk

David Spiegelhalter’s proper title is Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk. He is in two minds (literally) about playing it safe or chucking caution to the wind. Decisions, decisions!? Are bacon sandwiches really that dangerous and is it wise to drive when you love cycling? David shows us how to use statistics to face […]