IBM and Stanford Unveil Green Chemistry Breakthrough

Scientists from IBM and Stanford University have unveiled discoveries that could lead to the development of new types of biodegradable, biocompatible plastics. The result of a multi-year research effort, the breakthrough also could lead to a new recycling process that has the potential to significantly increase the ability to recycle and reuse common PET and […]

The Science Behind Washing Dishes, or Washing Dishes the Geek Way

Dishwashing (or washing up, depending on your location), while a calming and meditative time for some, is not everybody’s idea of fun. But fortunately it offers two factors which should appeal to any geeks: science and logic. Whether you’ve been taught by a kindly relative, discovered it from trial and error, or resorted to a […]

Symphony of Science: The Poetry of Reality

The Poetry of Reality is John Boswell’s fifth installment in the Symphony of Science series. The video features 12 scientists and science enthusiasts, including Michael Shermer, Jacob Bronowski, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Jill Tarter, Lawrence Krauss, Richard Feynman, Brian Greene, Stephen Hawking, Carolyn Porco, and PZ Myers, promoting science through words of […]

Geeks Are Sexy Featured on Discovery News Podcast

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] A few weeks ago we received a message from the fantastic guys over at the Discovery News Friday Feedbag podcast.  It seems one of their loyal listeners passed along a story of ours and they liked it so much they asked us if we’d like to do a little interview […]