Is it normal to talk to yourself? [Science Video]

Feeling embarrassed when getting caught talking to yourself? You are not alone. Unfortunately, many think this type of behavior is a sign of mental instability, but do not worry: extensive research spanning several decades reveals that talking to oneself is entirely normal. In fact, the majority, if not all, of us engage in some form […]

The thinking error that makes people susceptible to climate change denial

Expecting black-and-white answers can make it hard to see the truth. bubaone via Getty Images Jeremy P. Shapiro, Case Western Reserve University Cold spells often bring climate change deniers out in force on social media, with hashtags like #ClimateHoax and #ClimateScam. Former President Donald Trump often chimes in, repeatedly claiming that each cold snap disproves […]

WATER WORLDS: Hideouts for Alien Life? [Science Video]

Far beyond Earth, a new type of alien water planet could be speckling our galaxy by the billions, like cosmic dew drops. These “Hycean Planets” range up to ten times the mass of the Earth, containing mega-oceans that could stretch down hundreds of kilometers. Their extreme pressures keep their water liquid across a wide range […]

Is the US in a Space Race Against China?

Both the U.S. and China have plans to establish bases on the Moon in the near future. Caspar Benson/fStop via Getty Images Svetla Ben-Itzhak, Air University Headlines proclaiming the rise of a new “space race” between the U.S. and China have become common in news coverage following many of the exciting launches in recent years. […]

Hangry bacteria in your gut microbiome are linked to chronic disease – feeding them what they need could lead to happier cells and a healthier body

The gut microbiome may play a role in regulating the body’s appetite, cognition and immune responses. nopparit/iStock via Getty Images Plus Christopher Damman, University of Washington Diet-related chronic diseases have reached a critical juncture in the U.S. Nearly half the population has prediabetes or diabetes. Over 40% are overweight or obese. One in nine people […]

Why Aliens Might Already Be On Their Way To Us [Science Video]

The universe is magnificent and vast. Hundreds of billions of galaxies, trillions of stars, and even more planets. If even the tiniest fraction are habitable, then the Universe should be teeming with life. And yet we see nothing, only vast emptiness. Where is everyone else? The answer to this riddle could be as exciting as […]