How do superconductors work? A physicist explains what it means to have resistance-free electricity

Magnetic levitation is just one of the interesting attributes that make superconductors so interesting. Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library vie Getty Images Mishkat Bhattacharya, Rochester Institute of Technology The modern world runs on electricity, and wires are what carry that electricity to every light, television, heating system, cellphone and computer on the planet. Unfortunately, on average, […]

Releasing Invasive Species on Purpose [Science Video]

Throughout history, some people have proposed combating invasive species by introducing additional invasive species. This approach, known as biological control, has had its fair share of catastrophic failures in its initial stages, but on occasion, it can be a successful technique to safeguard agriculture and indigenous flora and fauna, albeit not always. Watch this video […]

Star Wars: Earth will never be an ‘ecumenopolis’ like Coruscant, but our cities are devouring the world

Juan Miguel Kanai, University of Sheffield Any fan of the galaxy far, far away will have loved the newest information gleaned from The Mandalorian about life on the planet-city Coruscant. The latest instalments of Disney’s streaming series, now in its third season, have seen a new storyline take root in the galactic capital of the […]

Understanding the Benefits of Dyslexic Thinking [Science Video]

Reading isn’t a natural function of the brain, and it requires explicit instruction to activate different areas responsible for vision, sound, and meaning. Fluent readers possess a complex reading circuit comprised of neural pathways of white matter, allowing them to process words in milliseconds. However, individuals with dyslexia exhibit a different reading circuit. For the […]

Why does time change when traveling close to the speed of light? A physicist explains

Time gets a little strange as you approach the speed of light. ikonacolor/iStock via Getty Images Michael Lam, Rochester Institute of Technology Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to [email protected]. Why does time change when traveling close to […]

Zipline: The Amazingly Clever Autonomous Delivery Drone System That Saves Lives

Zipline is an autonomous delivery drone company that not only can silently deliver goods to you, but some of its drones deliver life-saving medications and blood products to remote hospitals around the world. The whole thing works in pretty much any weather because there’s no human steering it. It has no issues flying at night […]

Smell is the crucial sense that holds ant society together, helping the insects recognize, communicate and cooperate with one another

Ants from different colonies will fight based on smell alone. Joseph Howell, Vanderbilt University, CC BY-ND Laurence Zwiebel, Vanderbilt University and Stephen Ferguson, Vanderbilt University Ants can be found in nearly every location on Earth, with rough estimates suggesting there are over 10 quadrillion individuals – that is a 1 followed by 16 zeroes, or […]

Water in space – a ‘Goldilocks’ star reveals previously hidden step in how water gets to planets like Earth

The star system V883 Orionis contains a rare star surrounded by a disk of gas, ice and dust. A. Angelich (NRAO/AUI/NSF)/ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), CC BY John Tobin, National Radio Astronomy Observatory Without water, life on Earth could not exist as it does today. Understanding the history of water in the universe is critical to understanding how […]

Harvard Professor Answers Questions About the Science of Happiness From the Internet

Harvard professor and “How to Build a Life” columnist Arthur C. Brooks answers the internet’s burning questions about “happiness.” Does anyone else feel depression after completing a goal? Can social media cause depression? Do we get happier as we age? What is the true meaning of happiness? Arthur answers all these questions and much more. […]