Old Spice / Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot Mashup [Animated Gif]
Enjoy this awesome mashup of Isaiah Mustafa’s Old Spice commercial and Carl Sagan’s famous Pale Blue Dot lecture. [Via Imgur]
Enjoy this awesome mashup of Isaiah Mustafa’s Old Spice commercial and Carl Sagan’s famous Pale Blue Dot lecture. [Via Imgur]
Hey Geeks! Our pal the engineer guy is already back, and this time, he’s explaining how smoke detectors work. Check it out: [Via TDW]
Listen to Youtube user michaeljohnblake as he interprets Pi to 31 decimal places. [Source]
For National Geographic Channel’s upcoming show “How Hard Can It Be?”, a team of engineers constructed a simple house structure and lifted it into the air for more than an hour by 300 weather balloons. Check it out! [Via]
Today on The Atlantic, a beautiful photo essay on Antarctica, featuring not only the requisite scenery and penguins, but also images of the South Pole Telescope, radar images of ice sheet formations, SCINI (Submersible Capable of under Ice Navigation and Imaging) vehicles, the famed Shackelton’s whisky, and my personal favorite, researchers assembling the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. […]
Another awesome t-shirt by our pals at SplitReason.com. Oh, and speaking of t-shirts, have you guys ever checked out our Geeks are Sexy-branded shirts? :) [Schrodinger’s Cat T-Shirt @ SplitReason.com]
It’s not your final speed that kills you, it’s the force of your sudden change of momentum. [Via]
Hey math geeks! Check out these awesome clocks, on which each hour is marked by a either a math problem or a symbol representing a certain value. Math Pop Quiz Clock Get the conversation going the next time the MENSA meeting is at your place. Made of lightweight black metal with a matte finish Measures […]
Earth could be on the verge — on a big picture timescale at least — of only the sixth mass extinction in its history, according to research led by the University of California at Berkeley. For the terms of the research, a mass extinction is defined as 75% of the different species on the planet […]
YouTube user TheParadigmShift edited footage from NatGeo’s “Journey to the Edge of the Universe” to create this beautiful video, which makes me feel both infinitesimally small and hopeful at the same time.