Minute Physics: How Far is a Second? [Video]
The moon may be 1.3 light-seconds away, but why on earth do we measure distances using time? [Minute Physics]
The moon may be 1.3 light-seconds away, but why on earth do we measure distances using time? [Minute Physics]
Last year I jokingly wrote that graphene would be a dead cert if there were an awards ceremony for material of the year. It turns out the hits keep on coming in 2012: researchers at Berkeley believe graphene could make it easier to study liquids with a microscope. Graphene is made up of a single […]
This video shows how scientists at the MIT Media Lab reconstruct a hidden object using scattered laser light. Future applications may include seeing in dangerous or inaccessible locations, such as inside machinery with moving parts, or in highly contaminated areas. [Via The Presurfer]
Stranger than fiction… molecular conflict and mitochondrial warfare … a heartstopping, subcellular epic … a truly microcinematic experience … “as an enthusiast for little things, I wanted to go deeper than the macro universe, so I found myself hanging on the eyepiece of a microscope. The real challenge was definitely the small depth of field […]
What is matter, anyway? What does it have to do with math? And why aren’t you made of Jesus? Delving deeper into the theory of (almost) everything – the Standard Model of particle physics. [MinutePhysics]
Can a laser ignite a firecracker inside a balloon without making it go pop? Check out the video to find out! [Via IHC]
A great way to help you memorize the entire periodic table. Best if used in conjunction with These are the Elements: [Via Neatorama]
If you are listening to a particularly boring speaker, it may actually be your own voice you are “hearing.” Dr Bo Yao of the University of Glasgow’s Institute of Neuroscience conducted a study into what’s loosely called the inner voice. It’s the experience you get when reading printed material and “hearing” the words on the […]
One staunch critic of James Cameron’s Titanic will finally get his due in the re-release of the classic sinking ship drama. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has long railed against a certain scene in the film, citing it was not accurate to the time period. Rose, adrift in the ocean after the passenger liner sinks, gazes into […]
I know this is meant as a gag…but I really do dream of a world where quantum physics is on the highschool syllabus. I mean if quantum computers come into common use and the IQ of the world keeps rising, isn’t it plausible? [By Fake Science]