The Scientific Power of Music [Video]

Is music humanity’s drug of choice? What is the mysterious power behind it’s ability to captivate, stimulate and keep us coming back for more? Find out the scientific explanation of how a simple mixture of sound frequencies can affect your brain and body, and why it’s not all that different than a drug like cocaine. […]

NASA’s Curiosity’s Descent on Mars + First Color Picture Taken by the Rover [Video + Picture]

This stop-motion video shows the 297 pictures that were taken by the Mars Descent Imager as it “dropped” NASA’s Curiosity rover down on the surface of Mars. Yeah, I know, we don’t see much, but hey, this is still better than nothing! In addition to the video, here’s the first color picture that was taken […]

Print Your Own Medications [Science!]

The 3D printing innovations continue to pour in, the latest being from Professor Lee Cronin, involving a do-it-at-home medication printing machine. It’s not quite the same 3D printing technology that we have now become used to seeing, since those create relatively large objects compared to the scale of organic chemistry. There are also a whole […]

Open Access for Academic Research Sparks Debate

The British government has announced that all publicly-funded research in the UK will be made available in full to anyone without charge. It’s been welcomed by many but has also raised fears that research could become financially unviable. The move was announced by the government member responsible for universities and science, David Willets (pictured), who […]