How Your Pee Can Help Save the Environment

The challenge to reduce carbon emissions rages on (despite those who “don’t believe” in global warming). According to Manuel Jiménez Aguilar, an answer may lie in our urine. In a study he published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials, Aguilar explains that urea results in the production of ammonium bicarbonate and also ammonia, which can absorb atmospheric CO2. So […]

Save the Tesla Lab! Build a Tesla Museum!

On The Oatmeal’s latest blog post, he calls out to geeks and geek-supporters everywhere to pitch in to the building of a Tesla Museum at the site of his old laboratory, the Wardenclyffe Tower. Apparently the land has recently gone up for sale and a non-profit is trying to raise money on indiegogo to buy the land […]

Fake Science 101: A Complete(ly inaccurate) Guide to the Universe

It can be hard to understand all of that messy stuff they call ‘science’. Why not let Fake Science help you understand the really difficult questions about astronomy, making babies, lighting things on fire and how styrofoam came into the world. Check out the book on the Fake Science Page – selling for only $11.53 […]