Theory vs Hypothesis: The Rap
A new music video by my pal Michael Wilson, aka Coma Niddy, shedding some lyrical light on the difference between a theory and a hypothesis. Enjoy! [Coma Niddy]
A new music video by my pal Michael Wilson, aka Coma Niddy, shedding some lyrical light on the difference between a theory and a hypothesis. Enjoy! [Coma Niddy]
Check out the infographic and let us know who you think should be added to this list if this post was titled “20 Geeks You Should Know.” If you only have a candidate or two to nominate, that’s totally fine too! :) Source: 10 Geeks You Should Know
Guinness + Physics = WIN! Guinness + Cider = Paradise. [Via IHC]
Not everything they teach you in science class is true. Here are 10 common scientific myths. [alltime10s]
In this video, Hank describes how our brains respond biochemically to various addictive substances and where those responses come from, evolutionarily speaking. [scishow]
So yeah, I’m not completely sure as to how this works – it seems he’s just adding some drops of water, according to the video description. Anyone care to give us a run-down of the science behind this? [Meanwhile in Russia]
Poor Schrodinger was just posing a hypothetical… [Via I f***ing love science]
Home Depot has yet to announce plans to open a branch on the moon, but researchers say they’ve taken a first step to making it possible for future astronauts to restock their toolbox. And yes, like so many stories in 2012, it involves a 3D printer. A team at School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering […]
Even though this is a 1+ hour video, I just had to post it since I know you guys are such big fans (and we are too!) of Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Hear him out addressing the audience at the 28th National Space Symposium. [Space Foundation | Via IHC]
Purpose, by definition, implies intent or determination, an end goal or a course of action. It’s a useful word, purpose, and one we use fairly often when discussing life’s Big Questions. What is my purpose? Does this object or occupation serve a good purpose? But it’s not a word often associated with the existence of […]