2,000 Ping Pong Balls in Zero Gravity [Video]

Science Bob and 30 other teachers launched 2,000 ping pong balls in zero gravity as part of Northrup Grumman Foundation’s Weightless Flights of Discovery program. Also joining us was Kerry Sanders of the Today Show. Weightless flight is accomplished by flying in parabolas in reserved airspace aboard a modified 727 aircraft. Each weightless experience lasts […]

Overview: The Awe of Seeing Earth from the Outside [Video]

On the 40th anniversary of the famous โ€˜Blue Marbleโ€™ photograph taken of Earth from space, Planetary Collective presents a short film documenting astronautsโ€™ life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside โ€“ a perspective-altering experience often described as the Overview Effect. [Planetary Collective]

NASA Tracks the Planet by Night [Video]

NASA has released satellite imagery showing just how widespread artificial light is at night time — and how many areas of the Earth still lack electricity. The images are taken from a new sensor, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, fitted to the equally snappily-titled NASA-NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite. The sensor, designed […]