TOP 10 REASONS Why We Know the Earth is Round [Video]
Still convinced that the Earth is flat? Here are 10 reasons why we know our planet is round. [Minute Physics]
Still convinced that the Earth is flat? Here are 10 reasons why we know our planet is round. [Minute Physics]
One of my favorite quote from Richard Feynman, which goes very well with this video: Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the stars— mere globs of gas atoms. Nothing is ‘mere’. I too can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more? The […]
Ric Kaner set out to find a new way to make graphene, the thinnest and strongest material on earth. What he found was a new way to power the world. [Focus Forward Films]
A fun experiment to try with your kids, or even just by yourself! [brusspup]
So, what’s the most effective scenario to stay as dry as possible when you’re trying to get from point a to point b while under the rain? Should you walk or run? Of course, the scenario presented in the video does not take into account wind, which, depending on the side it comes from, could […]
From Vimeo user Giacomo Sardelli: I wanted to use pictures taken from the International Space Station to tell a story and share the message sent by the astronauts who worked on the station in the last 11 years. They are working to open a Gateway to Space for all humankind, but people on Earth must […]
Yes, that’s right, using nothing but bacon — okay, prosciutto — and an air hose, Mr. Gray constructs a high performance thermic lance that seriously cuts sheet metal. In this video, you’ll also see a purely VEGAN THERMIC LANCE built from one cucumber and several dozen thin vegetable-oil coated breadsticks. (Tip: the performance is all […]
Warning: Video contains strong language. An Enlightening (and funny) video by Ze Frank listing various facts about the angler fish. [Ze Frank]
If you had to walk a mile for a jug of water every day, as millions of people do, it’s unlikely you’d use that precious water to bathe. Young entrepreneur Ludwick Marishane tells the amazing, funny story of how he invented a cheap, clean and convenient solution: DryBath, the world’s first bath-substituting lotion. [TED]
Have you ever wondered what color is? In this first installment of a series on light, Colm Kelleher describes the physics behind colors– why the colors we see are related to the period of motion and the frequency of waves. [TEDEducation]