Parallel Universes: Many Worlds [Science!]
In a parallel world, a version of me is conducting an experiment that solves this dilemna. BUT NOT this universe.? *plays video games* – NobbyKNobbs [Minute Physics]
In a parallel world, a version of me is conducting an experiment that solves this dilemna. BUT NOT this universe.? *plays video games* – NobbyKNobbs [Minute Physics]
CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield performed a simple science experiment designed by grade 10 Lockview High School students Kendra Lemke and Meredith Faulkner. The students from Fall River, Nova Scotia won a national science contest held by the Canadian Space Agency with their experiment on surface tension in space using a wet washcloth. [Canadian Space Agency]
Ever wonder why your face leaks when you’re sad or emotional? Find out why in this great instructional video from ASAP Science. [ASAPScience]
It’s bedtime on the ISS. CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield shows us how astronauts sleep in space. [canadianspaceagency]
The toy consists of a heavy, thick chrome plated steel disk, a slightly concave, mirrored base, and holographic magnetic stickers which can be placed on the disk. The disk, when spun on the mirror, exhibits a spinning/rolling motion (or spolling, a blend of “spin” and “roll”), slowly moving through different rates and types of motion […]
Warning: The sea pig can expel its lungs through its anus/mouth. Gross. A new episode of “True Facts” by Ze Frank. This one features the infamous Sea Pig, which only has one hole on its body. Gross. [Ze Frank]
How did the universe begin — and how is it expanding? CERN physicist Tom Whyntie shows how cosmologists and particle physicists explore these questions by replicating the heat, energy, and activity of the first few seconds of our universe, from right after the Big Bang. [TEDEducation] No matter who you are you obey the Laws of Nature! A new video by my pal Comma Niddy explaining some of the basics behind the laws of nature! [Comma Niddy] Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield continued his series of fascinating videos detailing how much different ordinary life is in zero gravity with a new tutorial explaining what happens when you cry in space. [Via I Heart Chaos]
As neuroscience researchers work to unravel the inner workings of the brain, we know more than ever before about the mysteries of where emotions originate in the brain and the connections between instinct, intelligence and emotion. This work is yielding fascinating insights that we can use to understand how we react to situations and people. […]