Could We Record Our Dreams? [Science Video]
Have you ever wished you could record your dreams and watch them later? It may be possible sooner than you think… [ASAPScience]
Have you ever wished you could record your dreams and watch them later? It may be possible sooner than you think… [ASAPScience]
As Alex on Neatorama says: Biology is the only science where multiplication and division mean the same thing. [Source: Nature Gifs | Via Neatorama] From the existence of alien life to the mysteries of the human brain, these are the questions that have stumped the greatest minds on Earth. These are 10 Unanswered Science Questions. [alltime10s]
Are good dancers more likely to ‘get some’? In this video from ASAPScience, find out how dancing is the human equivalent of a mating call, and what type of dancing is most attractive: Perhaps our dance clubs aren’t so different from the local watering hole! [ASAPScience]
A new episode of This is Mental Floss by our pals over at Mental Floss. A weekly show hosted by John Green, where knowledge junkies get their fix of trivia-tastic information. This week, John looks at unusual units of measurement such as a the jiffy, hogshead and micromort. [MentalFlossVideo]
Check out this interesting video by Kimber Streams (Vsauce2) listing a series of amazing animal defense mechanisms. I especially like how the Mimic Octopus can take the shape of other animals based on their likelihood of survival in various situations. [VSauce 2 | Via LS]
Thanks to Vsauce, here’s everything you need to know about the concept of “nostalgia.” [Source: Vsauce | Via LS]
James May discusses what exactly a seconds is. He also delves into how time as we know it could have been totally different. This is because the second had many ‘rivals’ over the years that never got their way. [Head Squeeze]
Check out my pal Michael Wilson as he imitates the way various microbes move around. I particularly like his flagellate impersonation. [Coma Niddy]
Jem Stansfield witnesses the awesome power of rockets with the Bloodhound land speed record project. Incredible HD clip from BBC 1 science series, Bang Goes the Theory. [BBCWorldwide | Via IHC]