Beer & Biodiversity [Science Video]
Both nature and economy are driven by the same laws. Another interesting video by the folks over at Minute Earth. [Minute Earth]
Both nature and economy are driven by the same laws. Another interesting video by the folks over at Minute Earth. [Minute Earth]
Yes, turning sound into light is fairly easy, especially if you have a pet pistol shrimp, but no one understands exactly why it happens. The phenomenon is called “sonoluminescense,” and here’s a video that explains what we know so far about it. [Minute Physics]
[Source: Abstruse Goose]
Physics-wise, do you know what would happen to you if Superman ever decided to punch you? Watch the video to find out! [Vsauce3]
To look at the evolution of modern bird feathers, we must start a long time ago, with the dinosaurs from whence they came. We see early incarnations of feathers on dinosaur fossils, and remnants of dinosaurs in a bird’s wish bone. Carl Zimmer explores the stages of evolution and how even the reasons for feathers […] Toothpaste is loaded with a cornucopia of chemicals that add flavors, body, texture, and most importantly, the ability to clean your teeth. One compound in particular, a detergent known as sodium lauryl sulfate is responsible for the suds that you produce when brushing. As it turns out, this compound has an interesting effect on […] Atoms and particles are quirky. Therefore we need an equally quirky thought experiment to understand superposition. You may be familiar with Schrodinger’s Cat. However we are going to use a feline friendly thought experiment that is fun and easy to digest. [Comma Niddy]
About 10% of the world population is left-handed. But why does handedness exist and what determines which hand is dominant? Scientists have suggested several theories, but the answer may well lie with evolution. [Scishow]
It turns out that superhuman strength may not be so farfetched… [ASAPScience]
A rather entertaining version of Macklemore’s Thrift Shop by three ladies who decided to take a mathematical approach the song. Check it out! [Miranda Johnson | Via]