Applied Theoretical Physics: It’s Not my Fault Eva, It’s Physics!
A little quantum mechanics could actually help you talk your way out of some pretty awkward situations… or maybe not. Thanks Steven! [AwkwardSpaceship]
A little quantum mechanics could actually help you talk your way out of some pretty awkward situations… or maybe not. Thanks Steven! [AwkwardSpaceship]
A previously little-known lecturer has made a significant breakthrough in the exploration of prime numbers. Dr Yitang Zhang of the University of New Hampshire has brought mathematics closer than ever before to confirming that twin primes are infinite. A twin prime is simply two consecutive prime numbers that differ only by two. The lowest examples […]
What the heck is the difference between butter and margarine, and is one better for you than the other? Get the fatty facts! [AsapScience]
Why does music make us feel happy or sad? Or angry or romantic? How can simple sound waves cause so much emotion? I went from my comfy chair to the streets of Austin to investigate how it might be written into our neuroscience and evolution. Modern neuroscience says our brains may be wired to pick […]
5 Senses, 5 videos from CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield describing how space affects each.. Hearing Sight Taste Smell Touch [CSA] If the Animaniacs and Science had a child, this would be it! Every element of the Periodic Table, sung (in order)! [ASAPScience]
In the next 30 seconds, your body will, on average: Take 8 breath Produce 0.3 grams of carbon dioxide Your heart will beat 36 times Produce 72 million red blood cells Your blood will travel 4 miles (6.4 KM) Shed 174,000 skin cells Blink 7 times Have 25 thoughts Generate 100 watts of power [Buzzfeed […]
On a quiet Sunday morning, I had the chance to meet up with Baba Brinkman, the sole peer-reviewed rapper in the world. Between sips of one-sugared coffees we discussed his life, but mostly his work which he promotes as consciousness-raising, provocative and irreverent. In fact, irreverent is his favorite word, and it describes everything he […]
The strongest incentive we have to develop faster-than-light travel is that it would let us apologize in advance. [Source: XKCD]
Fresh off a musical performance that was literally out of this world, International Space Station commander Chris Hadfield has warned that future space missions won’t be rushed just to keep the public excited. As we’ve covered earlier, this week marks the end of Hadfield’s six month trip to the ISS, during which he kept us […]