The Scientific Equivalent of Getting Fus Ro Dah’d [Video]
How much noise (in dB) would you have to generate to actually Fus Ro Dah someone? Thanks to the power of SCIENCE, Youtube Channel Vsauce3 explores that possibility for us. [VSauce3]
How much noise (in dB) would you have to generate to actually Fus Ro Dah someone? Thanks to the power of SCIENCE, Youtube Channel Vsauce3 explores that possibility for us. [VSauce3]
FOX will be debuting the reboot of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos miniseries in the spring of next year and the trailer for it premiered at SDCC.–9VMI [Fox Broadcasting / Source: YouTube]
A brick-filled journey through the basics of cell biology. [ExSciEd | Via IHC]
When molecules collide, chemical reactions can occur — causing major structural changes akin to getting a new arm on your face! George Zaidan and Charles Morton playfully imagine chemical systems as busy city streets, and the colliding molecules within them as your average, limb-swapping joes. [TEDEducation]
If the universe keeps on expanding, why don’t we expand with it, and why do galaxies and solar systems stay together? Watch this video to find out! [Minute Physics]
Now you know. [ASAPScience]
Presenting 10 pieces of science fiction literature that turned out to be true. [AllTime10s]
Scientists have made mice scared of a location where nothing bad ever happened to them. It may sound like an evil plan, but it could unlock secrets about how memories are formed and altered. The project was the work of a team including Dr Xu Liu or the Center for Neural Circuit Genetics based at […]
The i-H2GO is a remote-controlled car developed by Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies and Corgi International that runs on water…and a smartphone app. It works because SCIENCE: “You pour water into the refueling station and it is electrolyzed (split into hydrogen and oxygen) by power from a solar panel. The high energy hydrogen is directed into […]
Om nom nom nom. Once you’re done snickering at the comic, be sure to check out this interesting Timeline of the far future on Wikipedia, especially the part about the future of the Earth, the Solar System and the Universe. [Via It’s ok to be smart |]