Math Quiz: Can You Figure Out These Movie Titles?
[Source: Spiked Math (Down)]
[Source: Spiked Math (Down)]
I just came back from a walk, and since it’s brutally cold outside right now, it reminded me of this little experiment I did last year by throwing some boiling water outside at sub zero (F) temperatures. Readers that have been with us for a while might remember this one, but if you don’t, this […]
Some cheap and easy ways to have fun with LED throwies. If you want to make your own LED throwies, here’s a simple “how-to” from instructable user Q-Branch. [Hard Science]
Filters blood. Guardian organ. Read all about it on Wikipedia. A Parody of “The Fox” by Ylvis. This video was created for the 107th Annual Second Year Show by the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HMS/HSDM) class of 2016. [Ben Rome]
Watch part 1 here and part 2 here. [ASAPScience]
Humanity is on a path that can take us to the stars — if we don’t stop dreaming big and taking chances. The laws of physics don’t say that interstellar travel is impossible; it is simply very difficult. In the past, this was viewed as a challenge. We’ve smashed atoms, covered continents with roads, explored […]
Listen as Integrative Biologist Joao Pedro de Magalhaes explains all you need to know about the process of aging and what we can do extend our lifespan, improving the quality of our health, and at the same time, our quality of life, as we grow older. [PHD Comics]
Paleontologists have recently discovered a new dinosaur in Utah and they say it rivaled the Tyrannosaurus rex and Acrocanthosaurus, according to Sci-News. The prehistoric giant is named Siats meekerorum. The genus name, Siats, refers to a cannibalistic monster from the mythology of the Ute Native American people. Its specific name acknowledges the Meeker family for their support […]
Two thousand drugged-up dead mice have been parachuted onto Guam near a US Air Force base. It’s not a bizarre training exercise, but rather an attempt to tackle an overpopulation of snakes. The brown Treesnake is a long-standing problem on Guam. It’s not a native species and the most common theory is that it snuck […]
Wow. Just wow. I especially liked the part where the professor was able to have one marble orbit the other while the first was orbiting the weight located in the center of the sheet of spandex. [apbiolghs | Via]