Uh-Oh: The Black Hole Science Rap [Science Music Video]

An awesome new science-themed rap by my pal Michael Wilson aka Coma Niddy explaining how black holes aren’t really dangerous per se, what we really need to worry about is being caught in the event horizon, leading inexorably to death by spaghettification. Speaking of spaghettification, black holes are probably entry points to the plane of […]

The Science of Snowflakes [Video]

http://youtu.be/VYrF3sFBY20 The video tracks formation of snowflakes from their origins in bits of dust in clouds that become droplets of water falling to Earth. When the droplets cool, six crystal faces form because water molecules bond in hexagonal networks when they freeze. It explains that ice crystals grow fastest at the corners between the faces, […]

Danica McKellar Demystifies Pi for Us + Awesome Pi Song! [Video]

http://youtu.be/8-cazxAL_tU Math Bites, a new web show from Danica McKellar that takes a layman look at the world of mathematics. Oh, and about that awesome Pi song? It starts at 3m:14s in the video. You’ll also see Chris Hardwick wearing a tutu. You’re welcome. Edit: I’ve also included the song in a standalone video player […]