7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True [Science Video]
Blow your mind with these brain myths! [ASAP Science]
Blow your mind with these brain myths! [ASAP Science]
Dropping ice cubes in water (and liquid nitrogen) produce interesting results. Differential expansion. [Periodic Videos]
SciShow Space takes to you a world where the night is always dark, the tides are paltry — and the days are only 8 hours long. See how different Earth would be if there were no moon! [SciShow]
From the American Chemical Society: From the sizzle of the fuse to the boom and burst of colors, this video brings you all of the exciting sights and sounds of Fourth of July fireworks, plus a little chemical knowhow. John A. Conkling, Ph.D., shows how the familiar rockets and other neat products that light up […]
Yep, plants can communicate between each others, so when a plant gets attacked, it can send a signal to nearby plants (or insects in certain cases) to help them activate specific protection mechanisms. [Minute Earth]
From SciFri: Cuttlefish change the patterns on their body for courtship rituals, when they eat a snack, and most famously when they want to blend in. How they change their skin patterns may tell us something about how they see the world, says Duke biologist Sarah Zylinski. Her work suggests that when cuttlefish see incomplete […]
Legolas is a fraud… unless light travels differently in Middle-Earth compared to the way it does in our world. [Minute Physics]
The British public (and perhaps a few other folk with creative IP addresses) have selected resistance to antibiotics as the scientific challenge at the heart of a $16 million prize fund. As we covered recently, it’s part of the Longitude prize, a modern take on an 18th century government contest to find a way to […]
Apparently, fish like eggs too! [Nokia | Via LS]
NASA’s annual budget is about half a penny on one tax dollar in the U.S. Imagine what they could do with a full penny! We uphold the importance of NASA by highlighting scientific exploration, research and education as paramount to society’s success. NASA’s current budget, at 0.5% of the total U.S. budget, does not reflect […]