What Light Can Teach Us About the Universe [Science Video]

Humanity has long been looking at the universe and asking the big questions: How did it begin? How will it end? Cosmologists are searching hard for the answers, but where do they even start? The answer is light. Pete Edwards outlines the six unique messages that light carries which, when put together, disclose a stunning […]

Fringe’s Observers Science in Real Life: Passive Recovery of Sound from Vibrations [Video]

If you’ve watched Fringe, you’ve probably seen the observers recover conversations by scanning the surface of glass for slight disturbances, even long after said conversations took place. In the following video, scientists recover sound by observing objects near the source of the sound for micro vibrations, and it works! Ok, it’s not quite like what […]

How the Heart Actually Pumps Blood [Science Video]

For most of history, scientists weren’t quite sure why our hearts were beating or even what purpose they served. Eventually, we realized that these thumping organs serve the vital task of pumping clean blood throughout the body. But how? Edmond Hui investigates how it all works by taking a closer look at the heart’s highly […]