Amazingly Beautiful Chemical Reactions [HD Video]
A short videos presenting eight types of beautiful chemical reactions. Enjoy! [L2 Molecule | Via IO9]
A short videos presenting eight types of beautiful chemical reactions. Enjoy! [L2 Molecule | Via IO9]
Watch as SciShow debunks the myth that people only use 10 percent of their brains and explains the science behind the analysis. *Cough* Lucy Sucks *Cough. [SciShow]
Bats are awesome! Did you know, 1 out of 4 mammals on Earth are BATS (more than 1300 species!) [It’s OK to be Smart]
If you’ve always wondered why bats keep on transmitting dangerous diseases such as ebola to humans while they keep relatively unharmed by them, be sure to watch this! [Minute Earth]
How scientifically accurate is your favorite sci-fi space battle? Watch this video and find out! Pew pew pew! [It’s Okay To Be Smart]
A fantastic musical homage to Nikola Tesla by The Oatmeal and Sarah Donner. [Matthew Inman]
Every man and woman needs to watch this! Are women actually more moody on their period? Watch as ASAPScience breaks down the biggest myths about menstruation, periods, and PMS. [AsapSCIENCE]
Using chloroplasts and a silk product RCA graduate Julian Melchiorri developed a synthetic biological leaf that absorbs water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, just like a real plant! Needless to say, in large quantities, these could help the human race set up space colonies on distant planets such as Mars. Watch the video to […]
A simple and easy to understand explanation on what Antimatter is by the always enlightening Minute Physics Youtube Channel. [Minute Physics]
Robots, the environment and speaking by breathing are among some of the subjects that won teenagers prizes at the latest Google Science Fair. The overall win went to Sophie Healy-Throw, Emer Hicker and Ciara Judge of the Republic of Ireland, who also took the 15-16 age category. After what was described as a gardening project […]