The Chemistry of Fear [Science Video]

From The American Chemical Society: “Fear is the expectation or the anticipation of possible harm… We know that the body is highly sensitive to the possibility of threat, so there are multiple pathways that bring that fear information into the brain,” explains Abigail Marsh, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Georgetown University. Marsh’s research focuses […]

How do germs spread (and why do they make us sick)? [Science]

Germs are found on almost every surface we come in contact with, which makes it incredibly common for our bodies to be exposed to them. But why are some of these germs relatively harmless, while others can be fatal? Yannay Khaikan and Nicole Mideo explore this question by examining germs’ varying modes of transmission. [TED-Ed]

KICKSTART THIS: Age Your Own Whiskey In Just 24 Hours!

The home brew movement is booming, but the home distillery movement, well…not so much. But now, through Kickstarter, Whiskey Elements is created a way to age your whiskey 3 years…in only 24 hours. There’s less than 2 weeks left to fund the Portland, Oregon-based product, and the $18,000 goal has already been far, FAR exceeded. […]

“Let’s Get Physics, Y’all” [Parody Music Video]

Okay, so, like, girls, science is, like, so NOT basically basic, am I right? Luckily, comedian Megan Amram has written, like, a book or something that helps our brains or whatever understand science-y things. It’s called Science…For Her! or something, and it’s, like, so totally available on November 4th or whatever. She even made a music […]