Watch Orion’s First Test Flight Right Here Right Now! [Live Stream]

Edit: Launch postponed to tomorrow. Sigh. Watch as a Delta IV Heavy rocket with Orion attached on top is waiting to be launched at at Space Launch Complex 37 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. It’s happening in about an hour, but you can watch the whole launch process live right now! NASA’s Orion spacecraft is built […]

Breath Test Could Catch Drug-Drivers

Washington State University staff are working on an equivalent to an alcohol breathalyzer to check whether people are driving while under the influence of cannabis. They say it will help innocent drivers as well as law enforcement officers. The test would be based on ion-mobility spectrometry, which uses an electric charge to force a material […]

If You Wish to Make Curiosity from Scratch: A Fantastic Homage to the NASA Rover and the Human Desire to Discover

A very special ode to curiosity… with LEGO. My tribute to Curiosity, both the NASA rover and the human desire to discover, featuring words from some of science’s greatest minds and LEGO’s special edition Mars rover set. Buy the LEGO Curiosity Rover Featured in this video right here. [It’s Okay To Be Smart]

ISS Ground Crew Uses 3D Printer In Space

We already had “cloud” printing that lets people print documents from thousands of miles away. Now NASA has sent a print out of this world — and with an extra dimension. After astronaut Barry “Butch”Wilmore installed a 3D printer in the International Space Station, NASA ground crew sent remote commands for two test calibration prints, […]