The Black Plague Was Probably Caused By Cute Gerbils, Not Dirty Rats

When many of us think about the black plague which ravaged much of Europe on the 14th century, we associate it with scurrying, nasty, dirty little rats. The truth, as it turns out, shows that we are just a bit off. Seems the real culprit may have been some (decidedly less creepy looking) gerbils. According […]

Common MythConceptions: 52 of the World’s Most Contagious Falsehoods [Infographic]

Here’s an enlightening infographic listing 52 of the world’s most contagious falsehoods, all organized by colored topic (orange for food, pink for body, green for nature, etc…) Kudos to David McCandless from Information is Beautiful for the awesome work he did on this! Be sure to click on the infographic below to get an enlarged […]

Is It Irrational to Believe in Aliens? [Video]

PBS’ Space Time has posed some interesting questions and theories about the galaxy and its potential areas and inhabitants. In this run, they bring up aliens and speculate on whether or not it is irrational to believe in them. It’s quite strange we can be aware we are in a galaxy that is essentially unfathomably […]

DNA May Be Behind Humans’ Large Brains

Why is the human brain so much larger than that of chimpanzees? Newly-published research suggests it’s the result of orders from DNA. Researchers at Duke University believe the answer lies in a section of DNA known as human-accelerated regulatory enhancer, or HARE5. It’s part of what was once labelled junk DNA in the (apparently misguided) […]

New Tattoo Removal Cream Exploits Immune System

A university researcher says he’s developing a tattoo removal cream that could remove tattoos cheaply and without pain. A tattoo doesn’t work simply by burying ink deep enough  (in the dermis) that it remains in place as the skin regenerates. Instead it’s that the needle doesn’t just deliver the pigment, but rather that its penetration causes […]