9 Historical Mysteries Solved by Astronomy

Throughout history there have been strange moments that have happened that have been ensconced in mystery since they were first spoken of in hushed stories passed down from generation to generation. Did the first marathon runner really drop dead? Could Mary Shelley’s griping origin story for Frankenstein actually be true? While we may scoff at […]

Crystals The Key To Chameleon Color Change

Newly-published research suggests the way chameleons change color may be different to previous theories. University of Geneva scientists believe the answer lies in nanocrystals rather than pigment. The ‘traditional’ theory of how chameleons are able to change color to fit their surroundings was by dispersing pigment in organelles, a ‘subunit’ within cells. In cold-blooded animals, […]

New Booster Rocket Unleashes Fiery Inferno at NASA’s Orbital ATK Test Facility [Video]

What a great way to get rid of the weeds on your lawn! From NASA: The largest, most powerful rocket booster ever built successfully fired up Wednesday for a major-milestone ground test in preparation for future missions to help propel NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft to deep space destinations, including an […]

10 Awesome Good Guy Robots from Movies

With Chappie coming out this month and looking to add another awesome ‘good guy’ robot to the cinematic universe, we figured what better time than now to come up with a list of some of our favorite good guy robots from the world of cinema. Keep in mind, there are dozens upon dozens of good […]

Prime Earth-Like Planet May Exist After All

Astronomers from two British universities say they’ve found evidence that one of the first discoveries of another planet that could support life really does exist, despite claims to the contrary last year. The debate is about a planet labelled GJ 581d, believed to orbit a red dwarf planet named Gliese 581 (pictured) that lies “only” […]