Woman with Synesthesia Paints the Music She Sees [PICS]

We’ve written about it before, but synesthesia is a neural condition that leads to individuals “seeing” sounds or numbers (typically as colors) or “hearing” smells. Melissa McCracken is one such synesthete, and her condition/ability/superpower often results in her “seeing” music as different colors and textures. She decided to paint what she hears as a way […]

New Study Show that Invisibility Illusion Reduces Social Stress

Swedish researchers have pulled off an “invisibility cloak” with a twist: it’s the person wearing the cloak who thinks they are invisible. It’s all part of a study looking at ways of treating anxiety. The invisibility study stems from work on phantom limb syndrome in which amputees still perceive pain and other feelings from the […]

A Scientific Guide to the Fantastical Predators in ‘Game of Thrones’

We marvel at the dragons in Game of Thrones, but do you ever wonder about the science or biology that would be behind these magnificent beasts? Maddie Stone over at Gizmodo put together a very interesting piece focusing on the actual science of other animals compared to the mighty dragons in Game of Thrones, and […]