XKCD and Minute Physics Explains How to Go to Space in Simple Words [Video]

Using illustrations from XKCD, Minute Physics explains how to go to space using the 1000 most used words in the English language. XKCD’s new book, “Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words” will be release later this month and can currently be pre-ordered on Amazon.com. [Thing Explainer | Minute Physics]

Matter & Antimatter Not So Different

Researchers in New York have found antimatter holds together in much the same way as matter. That finding rules out one possible explanation for why antimatter is so rare. Antimatter was already known to be almost exactly the same as matter, the main differences being that its components (antiparticles) have an opposing charge and quantum spin. […]

Manufacturing Romantic Love: Falling in Love Is the Easy Part [Video]

Did you know that could you possibly fall in love with someone just by asking them 36 increasingly personal questions? Mandy Len Catron, creator of The Love Story Project, tried the experiment, and it worked. She then wrote a viral article about it, but the questions remains, does this technique creates durable love? And what […]

Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong [Science Video]

in this video “In a Nutshell” takes a look at what causes addiction. Drugs cause addiction, right? But according to certain studies, it might not be this simple. For those of you who suffered from addiction problems in the past, what do you guys think of this theory? Please let us know in the comments […]