Did You Know? Celsius Did NOT Invent Celsius! [Video]
Did you know that Celsius never devised nor used the scale that now bears his name? [Veritasium]
Did you know that Celsius never devised nor used the scale that now bears his name? [Veritasium]
A combustion test of a 75-ton Korean rocket engine filmed at the Korean Aerospace Research Institute. I hope I’ll see one live on location someday! [Source: Korean Aerospace Research Institute | Vis GT]
With ‘Finding Dory’ coming out, ASAPScience wanted to tackle the myth that fish are simplistic and forgetful. How smart can fish actually be? Find out in Greg and Mitch’s latest video! [AsapSCIENCE]
While at the ArcAttack HQ, Physics Girl and Joe Hanson used the opportunity to explain how musical tesla coils work. Also, if you’re wondering what it feels like to be inside a cage between two active tesla coils, be sure to check out the 360 degree video below. For those who’ve never seen it, we […]
Would you drink recycled water that comes from a sewage? The water is perfectly fine to drink, but as humans, we are not always rational and our disgust of where that water originally comes from usually overpowers our need for clean water if there’s another source available. [MinuteEarth]
Watch a soda can rip itself apart in a fiery explosion at 11,000fps with a Phantom high speed camera. Running a current through a coil, produces an electromagnet. Turn up the voltage in this experiment, and make that current strong enough, and your electromagnet can rip a soda can in half. Or rather, make the […]
Bill reveals the stunning engineering underlying the design of a diaper. He describes the five layers of a diaper, including the superabsorbent polymer in the diaper’s core. He illustrates the action of this polymer with a stunning demonstration using a single bead of polymer: it soaks up enough water to grow from a diameter of […]
Human bodies aren’t built for extreme aging: our capacity is set at about 90 years. But what does aging really mean, and how does it counteract the body’s efforts to stay alive? Monica Menesini details the nine physiological traits that play a central role in aging. [TED Ed]
8th grade science teacher Tom McFadden encourages his students to be creative when it comes to learning science, so he has started the Science Rap Academy, a series of youtube videos that will teach you all about DNA, photosynthesis, and more! What is DNA? Find out in this insanely good music videos from the 2015-2016 […]
Why do some people experience auditory hallucinations? ASAP Science debunks some myths associated to schizophrenia in their latest video. [ASAP Science]