Why Don’t Oil and Water Mix While Salt and Water Does? [Science Video]

Salt dissolves in water; oil does not. But why? You can think of that glass of water as a big, bumpin’ dance party where the water molecules are always switching dance partners — and they’d much rather dance with a salt ion. John Pollard explains how two chemistry principles, energetics and entropy, rule the dance […]

‘Mars Visitors’ Return After Year-Long Mission

Six people have finished a year of isolation designed to replicate life on Mars. The crew have been inside a 36 by 20 foot dome near a Hawaiian volcano. It’s the third and longest such mission following previous experiments lasting four and eight months. While similar studies have concentrated on the long journey inside a […]

Aurora Borealis Scientists Embarrassed By Lawnmower Fail

A university’s prediction that the Northern Lights would be widely visible turned out to be a mistake caused by a lawnmower. The Aurora Watch service, based at Lancaster University in the UK, forecasts likely sightings of the Aurora Borealis, a natural colored light show caused by solar winds disturbing the Earth’s magnetosphere. Forecasting is of […]

How to Create an Amazingly Cool Pool Vortex + The Science Behind the Phenomenon [Video]

In this video, Youtuber Physics Girl teaches us how to create an amazingly cool pool vortex and explains the science behind the phenomenon. Unfortunately, it’s Winter over here in Canada, so I guess I’ll have to wait until next summer to try this out. I know you could create one in an indoor pool, but […]