How (and Why!) do Whales Sing? [Science Video]

Communicating underwater is challenging. Light and odors don’t travel well, but sound moves about four times faster in water than in air — which means marine mammals often use sounds to communicate. The most famous of these underwater vocalizations is undoubtedly the whale song. Stephanie Sardelis decodes the evocative melodies composed by the world’s largest […]

How Do Insects Survive the Winter? [Science Video]

Insects appear small and fragile, but have you ever wondered how the little critters can survive through winter? Check out this episode of the Scishow to find out how! From the SciShow: Birds fly south, humans bundle up, but what do insects do to survive the winter? From creating antifreeze-like alcohols to burrowing in the […]

Can We Bottle a Star? Fusion Energy Explained [Science Video]

How does Fusion Energy work and is it a good idea? Fusion power is energy generated by nuclear fusion. Fusion reactions fuse two lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. It is a major area of plasma physics research that attempts to harness such reactions as a source of large scale sustainable energy. Fusion […]

Wireless Connection Could Bypass Spinal Injuries in Paralyzed Patients

Researchers have successfully used a wireless connection to transmit signals from a paralyzed monkey’s brain to control its legs. They say it’s now at least conceivable to use such a technique on humans. The aim is to treat people with damaged spinal cords that mean the brain can’t pass on electrical signals that act as instructions […]

A Look at the Growth of Human Population Through Time (100,000 BC to 2100 AD) [Video]

From The American Museum of Natural History: It took 200,000 years for our human population to reach 1 billion—and only 200 years to reach 7 billion. But growth has begun slowing, as women have fewer babies on average. When will our global population peak? And how can we minimize our impact on Earth’s resources, even […]