Brains May Make Automatic Memory Back-Up

The way brains form memories could be completely different than previously believed according to new research. It suggests we make two simultaneous memories: one for short-term and one for the long-term. Until now the prevailing belief was that the hippocampus creates a memory that is then transferred to the cortex. That was partly derived from […]

Tetris Could Reduce Traumatic Memories

Playing Tetris could help reduce the chances of people suffering long-term mental effects from traumatic events according to a study. Professor Emily Holmes of Karolina Institutet in Sweden led a multi-national research team and ran a study to test the concept. The thinking was that playing Tetris is so absorbing for visual memory that it […]

Elon Musk Wants Wireless Brain-Computer Connection

Elon Musk is working on a program to wirelessly connect human brains and computers. Potential purposes include boosting brains with artificial intelligence and tackling neurodegenerative conditions. Musk plans to detail his new company, Neuralink, some time next week. What’s already known is that it will be based around neural lace, the concept of implanting electrodes […]

Third Law Of Thermodynamics Gets Proof

Two quantum physics professors have developed a proof of the third law of thermodynamics. As well as being academically satisfying, it could help make quantum computing more viable. The wording of the third law varies, but a common version is “The entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is exactly equal to zero.” That has a variety of practical effects, […]