Bell’s Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox [Science Video]

This video is about Bell’s Theorem, one of the most fascinating results in 20th century physics. Even though Albert Einstein (together with collaborators in the EPR Paradox paper) wanted to show that quantum mechanics must be incomplete because it was nonlocal (he didn’t like “spooky action at a distance”), John Bell managed to prove that […]

A Refrigerator That Cools Itself Using Stretched Rubber Bands [Video]

Let’s say that one day the whole world goes bonkers and you end up living in a post-apocalyptic society, this video by Youtuber Applied Science could help you create a refrigerator that cools itself using rubber bands. The design still needs to be perfected, but it does work, even if it just cools the inside […]

Nanomachines That Drill Through Cancer Cells to Kill Them [Video]

Researchers at Rice, Durham (U.K.) and North Carolina State universities demonstrated in lab tests how rotors in single-molecule nanomachines can be activated by ultraviolet light to spin at 2 to 3 million rotations per second and open membranes in cells. The researchers used motors based on work by Nobel laureate Bernard Feringa, who won the […]

Mouse Brain Cells Could Act As Airport Security

Mice neurons rather than silicon circuit boards could be the key to an airport security computers according to one start-up. The Koniku Kore device is designed to sniff out explosives in the same way as a mammal. The device is the work of Nigeria’s Oshi Agabi and is based around the idea that traditional computers […]

The Amazing Ways Plants Defend Themselves

Plants are constantly under attack. They face threats ranging from microscopic fungi to small herbivores like caterpillars, up to large herbivores like elephants. But plants are ready, with a whole series of internal and external defenses that make them a less appealing meal — or even a deadly one. Valentin Hammoudi explains some of the […]

Myths and Facts About Superintelligent AI

We live in an era of self driving cars, autonomous drones, deep learning algorithms, computers that beat humans at chess and go, and so on. So it’s natural to ask, will artificial superintelligence replace humans, take our jobs, and destroy human civilization? Or will AI just become tools like regular computers. AI researcher Max Tegmark […]