Blood Test For Early Cancer Diagnosis Could Be Viable

Researchers say a blood test combining two different types of clue could make it easier to detect cancers in early stages. The ‘CancerSEEK’ test combines both DNA mutation and released proteins to spot the cancer. To date, blood tests have just concentrated on one of the two approaches. The former takes advantage of the way […]

Climate Change: Earth’s giant game of Tetris [Science Video]

There’s a game of Tetris happening on a global scale: The playing space is planet Earth, and all those pesky, stacking blocks represent carbon dioxide — a greenhouse gas that is piling up ever more rapidly as we burn the fossil fuels that run our cars, factories and power plants. Joss Fong outlines how this […]

How We Know Black Holes Exist [Science Video]

This video is about the astronomical amount of astronomical evidence for black holes, ranging from x-ray binaries with accretion disks, supermassive infrared-radiating galactic nuclei black holes, orbital characteristics of high mass binaries, and direct gravitational wave detection of inspiraling merging black hole binaries with LIGO. Yes, they’re real. [Minute Physics]