How to Survive a Nuclear Attack
If you want to be prepared for a nuclear attack, here’s a science-based guide to help you get there. [SciShow]
If you want to be prepared for a nuclear attack, here’s a science-based guide to help you get there. [SciShow]
Have you ever wondered how lactose-free milk is made? Youtuber NilRed did, so he made a video about it. [NileRed]
Just like the myth that plucking one gray hair will make three sprout, stress making your hair white isn’t actually a thing. Or is it?! Find out in this episode of SciShow. [SciShow]
Back in 2015 at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, Stephen Hawking gave a speech which he named “It Can Be Done.” In tribute to the passing of the man, After Skool created this white board animation that illustrates the speech. There are few scientists that can be said to have touched the public imagination. […]
Between you and the rest of the world lies an interface that makes up 16% of your physical weight. This is your skin, the largest organ in your body: laid out flat, it would cover close to 1.7 square metres of ground. But besides keeping your organs in, what is its purpose? Emma Bryce takes […]
From Cambridge University: Professor Stephen Hawking (1942 – 2018). Widely regarded as one of the world’s most brilliant minds, Stephen Hawking, who died this week at the age of 76, was known throughout the world for his contributions to science, his books, his television appearances, his lectures and through biographical films. He leaves three children […]
This is brilliant and a fitting tribute to a great man! The song, which is the title track to “Monty Python – The Meaning of Live”, was originally written for the 1983 film, “Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life”. It has been re-recorded with the lyrics sung by Professor Stephen Hawking. Written by Eric Idle […]
An astronaut who spent a year in space now has seven percent of his DNA different to that of his identical twin. Scott and Mark Kelly were part of an experiment into the effects of space travel as part of planning for Mars trips. Scott (pictured right) spent a year on the International Space Station, […]
I’m republishing this post that dates back from 2012! Totally fitting since Hawking passed away on Einstein’s birthday! I know this one is kind old, but somehow, I missed it when it was initially released. Anyways, a rap battle involving Stephen Hawking against Einstein, how can you go wrong with that?
Ok, this actually made me cry. Such a beautiful comic and a touching homage to a great an brilliant man. [Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]