‘Dancing’ raisins − a simple kitchen experiment reveals how objects can extract energy from their environment and come to life

Surface bubble growth can lift objects upward against gravity. Saverio Spagnolie Saverio Eric Spagnolie, University of Wisconsin-Madison Scientific discovery doesn’t always require a high-tech laboratory or a hefty budget. Many people have a first-rate lab right in their own homes – their kitchen. The kitchen offers plenty of opportunities to view and explore what physicists […]

A Brief History of Banned Numbers [Video]

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and authorities have often agreed. From outlawed religious tracts and revolutionary manifestos to censored and burned books, we know the potential power of words to overturn the social order. But as strange as it may seem, some numbers have also been considered dangerous enough to ban. […]

How logic alone may prove that time doesn’t exist

StunningArt/Shutterstock Matyáš Moravec, University of St Andrews Modern physics suggests time may be an illusion. Einstein’s theory of relativity, for example, suggests the universe is a static, four-dimensional block that contains all of space and time simultaneously – with no special “now”. What’s the future to one observer, is the past to another. That means […]

Buzzing Brilliance: Ze Frank’s True Facts on How Smart Bees Really Are!

From intricate communication dances to their uncanny ability to navigate vast distances with pinpoint accuracy, Ze Frank explores the surprising intellect of bees with his usual hilariousness. Prepare to have your mind blown as you witness firsthand just how clever these buzzing wonders truly are in this new episode of “True Facts.”

What is earwax — and should you get rid of it? [Science Video]

Grooming paraphernalia has been found in numerous archeological sites, many of which have included earwax removal tools. And earwax evacuation remains a popular hygienic habit today. But what is earwax? And are the efforts to eliminate it actually good for us? Henry C. Ou explores the important role earwax plays in our health. [Ted Ed]

Scientists Probe Deeper into Uranus: Unveil Semi-Frozen Methane Surprise, Butt There’s More to Come!

Ah, Uranus, the enigmatic celestial body that keeps on giving, or rather, keeps on withholding its secrets until scientists are ready to delve deep. Yes, it’s true, scientists have been tantalized by the mysteries lurking within Uranus for quite some time. We’ve always known it’s chock-full of gas, an abundance that’s hard to ignore. But […]