French Retailer Attempts to Trademark Anonymous Logo

A French Retailer called Early Flicker has applied to trademark the logo for the hacktivist group Anonymous. The group prides itself on its facelessness, and while no one really knows who Anonymous members are, it is very likely that this cannot be challenged. The retailer also trademarked their slogan: “Anonymous. We are legion. We do […]

Stanley is a Piano that Takes Requests over Twitter

Twitter has a really varied clientele, from well communicating social media junkies right down to those very same social media junkie’s dogs. But now an inanimate object hopes to communicate with its followers with the gift of music. @StanleyPiano is a unique Twitter account connected to a piano. A player piano. A Player Piano is […]

McDonalds Employee Assaults Man with Digital Eye Glass

What is this world coming to when a person is assaulted because someone took offence to their medical prosthetic? That is essentially what happened when Dr. Steve Mann from Toronto, Ontario was on vacation with his family. Dr. Mann uses a form of “wearable computing” known as an Eye Glass – a prosthetic Augmediated Reality […]

Hidden Galaxies Discovered

Dark matter has been something that astrophysicists have postulated about for some time – matter we cannot see but must exist for things to make sense in the universe. A new technique has been demonstrated in a paper published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society that indicates that entirely starless galaxies conclusively […]

Facebook Employs New Tactics to Combat Teen Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying has been on the rise in the last decade and the main facilitator has been the social network boom. Facebook’s latest scheme to combat this distasteful use of our freedom of communication targets the 13 to 14-year-old user who may feel too intimidated to hit the site’s “report” button. The new button says […]