Microsoft Ditches Android; Goes All In On Windows Phone

Microsoft is ditching Android from its smartphone range. It’s part of a strategy on streamlining its phone operations, which will be a key part of the company’s biggest ever round of job cuts. When Microsoft took over Nokia’s handset division, it certainly appeared that continuing to produce both Windows Phone and Android handsets was an […]

Sandpaper & Crossbows Overcome ‘Sapphire’ iPhone 6 Screen

Contrary to some rumors, it appears the new iPhone 6 screen is neither made of 100% sapphire, nor is it indestructible. Oh, and it’s probably not great as body armor for elk. Some videos that popped up on YouTube recently appeared to show what’s claimed to be an iPhone 6 screen being completely resistant to […]

Manuel Noriega Sues Over Black Ops II Mission

Former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega is suing Activision because he believes a character in Call of Duty: Black Ops II uses his image without permission. While there’s no question that did happen, it’s uncertain whether Noriega — currently in prison in Panama — has the legal right to protect his image in the United States. […]

Raspberry Pi Gets Redesign: Introducing the Raspberry Pi B+

The low-cost Raspberry Pi computer is getting a third edition. The B+ doesn’t have any major performance spec changes, but some potentially useful design tweaks. The Pi launched in 2012 and was designed as an alternative to devices such as the Arduino; the Pi’s manufacturers bill it as a full computer rather than a microcontroller. […]

IBM Stakes $3bn On Silicon Chip Rethink

IBM is putting $3 billion into two projects designed to rethink the very concept of computer chip production. It says such a move is needed to meet increasing demands for processing without impractical increases in energy use. Both projects will run for five years. They both involve exploring the continuing efforts to shrink chips — […]

Uncharged Cellphones Banned From Flights

Passengers flying to the US will need to check their phones and other devices are charged before travelling. New security rules mean devices that won’t switch on will not be allowed on the plane. According to the Department of Homeland Security, the changes are part of “enhanced security measures” which are “informed by an evolving […]

Court Could Order Google To Delete Misdirected Email

Goldman Sachs has asked a US court to force Google to remotely delete a message sent to the wrong address. The e-mail, sent last week, was meant to go to an address ending in, but mistakenly went to the same username but at instead. That’s particularly unfortunate as the e-mail included “highly confidential […]

Gadget Mag Drops Scantily-Clad Model Cover Stars

A technology and gadgets magazine is to drop its policy of using scantily-clad women as cover models. Stuff magazine says it’s a business decision based on changing tastes. The magazine launched in the UK in 1996 and now has several international editions. The UK version has consistently used models on the front cover, usually posing […]