Serious, Why So? [Pic]
[Source: Guilherme Batista | Via Blastr]
[Source: Guilherme Batista | Via Blastr]
A cool shirt from the guys over at RiptApparel. $10, today only! What if the Doctor’s enemies were reprogrammed by the Empire to hunt for the rebels? [$10 @ – Today Only!]
Ohhhh, looks fun, and apparently, it’s real and was announced at NYCC 2012! [coinoptv]
Presented without comment. :) [Via TDWG]
Zombies are awesome! They eat brains, sing and dance! Who’s excited about Walking Dead Season 3?! [AVbyte]
The Sailor Scouts got a kick-ass reboot by Kevin Wada…and now I want them to make this an actual reboot. I would watch it. Wouldn’t you? [Kevin Wada Via io9]
Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for? (Quote from LOTR: ROTK) [Source: goingonsix (CC)]
[GAS] reader Todd A. just sent in this funny music video where he is featured performing Selina, I’m a Wreck, a song he composed to tell the tale of a lonely cosplayer in search of love. Check it out! Thanks Todd! [TheCCPro]
A new song by the always excellent Coma Niddy, which should come in handy for this year’s NanoTechnology-themed National Chemistry Week (Oct 21-27.) [Coma Niddy]
A $600 short sci-fi film based on the upcoming feature film, Arrowhead, about a mercenary stranded alone on a desert planet, awaiting rescue. [Jesse O’Brien]