Guile’s Theme Performed by Eight Floppy Drives [Music]
Check out Guile’s Theme (from Street Fighter) as performed by an orchestra of eight floppy drives. [MrSolidSnake745]
Check out Guile’s Theme (from Street Fighter) as performed by an orchestra of eight floppy drives. [MrSolidSnake745]
Newly published statistics show the world’s population has very different interests when it comes to Wikipedia pages. While English speakers are interested in Facebook, Japanese speakers prefer adult films and German speakers are most intrigued by dead-end streets. Swedish man Johan Gunnarson of the Wikitrends project has put together a list of the most viewed […]
These knit hats are perfect headwear for watching Futurama, doing deliveries for Planet Express, or wearing around your favorite convention. Warm and cozy, they have a plush top section featuring the bulging eyeballs of Bender or Nibbler. Ear flaps come down the side of your face to keep your hearing holes nice and toasty warm […]
These awesome Batman bookshelves were made by Etsy user FahmiSani and will probably be the most bat-tastic things you’ll see today! [Source: FahmiSani on Etsy | Via Neatorama]
For all its popularity and massive box office earnings, The Dark Knight Rises is still a film with many sins. We’ve listed them for you. [CinemaSins]
A series of tiramisu cupcakes topped with a chocolate Santa Han Solo in carbonite. Now how awesome and delicious does that sound? [Via TN]
His name is Blender Bender after all! :) [$20 @]
Sugarboy narrates this 1970’s Grindhouse story of a bad-ass roller-girl who is sent on a mission across New York City by any modes of transportation available to retrieve her stolen Rollie Fingers baseball card. [AboveAverageNetwork]
Smoked Sauron, Gandalf the White sauce, Elven mustard, the community of the cucumber, Lord of the onion rings. Om nom nom nom. [Source: Fat & Furious Burgers]
[Source: Contemporary Cakes]