“Sonic the Hedgehog” Live-Action Fan Film

The internet is over-saturated with fan films, but this one is one of the best I’ve seen, production and effects-wise. The folks that brought us the “Megaman” fan film are back, withย an attempt to show how a live-action “Sonic the Hedgehog” film might work. And the best part? Jaleel “Steve Urkel” White reprises his voice […]

Must Watch: KILLZONE INTERCEPT [Live Action Fan Film]

Killzone Intercept occurs during the events of Killzone 3 as the ISA evacuate Helghan. A small scout squad is called upon to stall a large group of approaching Helghasts that plan to cut off the ISA convoy from reaching the extraction point. Outnumbered, the squad takes on the task with hopes of getting everyone off […]