The Best Paintings of the Serenity Crew in the ‘Verse [Pics]

I love James Hance’s art, and as far as I’m concerned, among all the geeky artists out there, he’s pretty much at the top. James recently started painting a series of watercolor pieces featuring the Serenity crew, and apparently, all these were done in just one day. The originals will be donated to Can’t Stop […]

Super Bowl Movie Trailers: Oz, Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into Darkness [Videos]

Hey geeks, instead of doing three posts for the three trailers, I decided to combine them into one. Here are the movie trailers for Oz: The Great and Powerful, Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness that aired during the Super Bowl yesterday. Enjoy! Oz: The Great and Powerful Iron Man 3 Star Trek: […]