Neil Gaiman Answers Mythology Questions From The Internet

Author Neil Gaiman takes to Twitter to answer the internet’s burning questions about mythology. What links Viking and Greek myths? Why does Anubis have a dog head? Why do so many cultures have a ‘Great Flood’ myth? What do Biblical angels look like? Neil answers all these questions and much, much more! [Wired]

Watch the Opening Scene from Neil Gaiman’s THE SANDMAN [Video]

The opening scene to Neil Gaiman’s new Netflix series THE SANDMAN, adapted from the iconic DC comic books and starring Tom Sturridge, Gwendoline Christie, Jenna Coleman, Kirby Howell-Baptiste, Patton Oswalt, David Thewlis, Charles Dance, Mason Alexander Park, Stephen Fry, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Asim Chaudhry and a even a sneaky cameo from Mark Hamill! [Still Watching Netflix]

Stranger Things Actor Jamie Campbell Delivers Iconic Movie Quotes in Vecna’s Voice

@fallontonight ##JamieCampbellBower delivers iconic quotes in ##Vecna’s voice! ##StrangerThings ##FallonTonight ♬ original sound – FallonTonight Watch Stranger Things actor Jamie Campbell as he delivers iconic movie quotes in Vecna’s voice in this short segment from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

A Wonderful Star Trek Tribute to Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura [Video]

From John DiMarco: This was a sad day for Star Trek fans, due to the passing of the legendary Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura in classic Trek. In tribute, please enjoy this compilation of memorable Uhura moments from The Original Series, The Animated Series, and the first six Star Trek films. [John DiMarco]