What it Means to be a Lannister [Pic]
What a beautiful family they make! [Source: The TV Guide Magazine | Via NA]
What a beautiful family they make! [Source: The TV Guide Magazine | Via NA]
A 6-second promo clip (on auto-repeat) for Marvel’s upcoming Wolverine movie. In theaters July 26. Don’t forget to unmute the player at least once before turning it off again 6 seconds later! Edit: And here’s the 20-second clip! (Thanks Joshua!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-ER59i8u_Vs [Via TA]
Best resume of the Targaryens backstory ever. 18 minutes well spent if you’re a fan of the show. And even if you’ve read the book, you should totally watch this. Warning: Video contains strong language. Warning #2: This video contains severe spoilers for those who have not yet seen season 1-2 of Game of Thrones. […]
Incoming tidal wave of zombies! Run! The whole thing looks a little ridiculous, doesn’t it? I heard that what is portrayed in the trailer looks nothing like what is described in the book (I’ve never read it,) but at least, it looks kind of entertaining. [BrainDamagedFr]
It’s not a toomah! [fatawesomefilms]
http://youtu.be/V96_qNaVz2w There’s an intruder in this video, Can you spot him? The four hobbit are happily cooking dinner at Weathertop. They don’t realize that Nazgul have a keen sense of smell….and they are hungry. [brickshowtv]
The Doctor Who theme performed on a set of electric harps by the Harp Twins. Enjoy! [CamilleandKennerly]
Artist Rafa Toro drew a bunch of animated gif featuring a bunch of villains from Batman. You can check ’em all out right here. [Rafa Toro]
A satirical spoof of the 9/11 truther video “Loose Change,” YouTube user Graham Putnam has created an in-depth look at what REALLY happened to cause the mighty Death Star’s destruction. [Graham Putnam / Via YouTube]
http://youtu.be/_di8lfyOzyw Watch as Jimmy & Selena perform a duet version of one of the greatest love song ever written: “Mario Kart Love Song” by Sam Hart. Here’s the original: [latenight]