The Perfect Companion Book for a Storm of Swords (Red Wedding) [Pic]
…and whatever you do, NEVER let the Lannisters plan your wedding! [Via Dorkly]
…and whatever you do, NEVER let the Lannisters plan your wedding! [Via Dorkly]
Is there anyone you would add to this infographic? Let us know in the comments section below! [Source: | Via Blastr]
A fun cosplay music video featuring some lovely cosplayer that attended Etna Comics 2013, a comic books convention located in Catania, Italy. Thanks Riccardo! [Rakuen Cosplay]
JJ Abrams’ Star Trek retold in 90 seconds via old-school 8-bit game tech. [8-Bit Cinema | Via LS]
A real, official LEGO movie! WOOT! Coming to the big screen in early 2014. The LEGO Movie Teaser Trailer. Starring Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Will Ferrell, Alison Brie Elizabeth Banks, Chris Pratt and Will Arnett. [ENTV | Via]
The latest “Die Hard” movie goes under the sin-counter’s microscope. Take a look back at one of the year’s first action films, and remember why almost no one liked it. [Cinema Sins]
So what do you guys think? Will the second movie be better than the original? The costumed high-school hero Kick-Ass joins with a group of normal citizens who have been inspired to fight crime in costume. Meanwhile, the Red Mist plots an act of revenge that will affect everyone Kick-Ass knows. [movieclipsTRAILERS]
A short scene from World War Z, the movie that could quite possibly become one of the biggest disappointment of all time… for fans of the original book at least! In theaters Friday! [Paramount]
Physics-wise, do you know what would happen to you if Superman ever decided to punch you? Watch the video to find out! [Vsauce3]
This first half of the trailer is similar to the one we’ve showed you before, but after that, it’s mostly new footage. Check it out! [Metropolitan Films]