Forging Wolverine’s Claws in Real Life [Video]

In anticipation of the upcoming summer blockbuster The Wolverine, Break Mediaโ€™s hit series Man at Arms’ newest episode features Hollywood blacksmith Tony Swatton recreating Wolverine’s iconic retractable claws from X-Men. I also got this press release via email, which should interest those of you attending SDCC 2013: For your readers attending Comic-Con 2013, on Thursday […]

Boba Fett + Grumpy Cat + Tron = RUN! [Geek Art]

From Artist HeroforPain: This is part of my Multi-Verse Series, Basically a futuristic world that is created after all the fictional worlds implode. This Boba Fett and his companion Grumpy Cat. Fett has armed himself with as many canons and armor as possible, The top two are controlled by Grumpy cat. These two are basically […]