“I Liked It Better When It Was Called ‘Army of Darkness'” [Video]
I liked it better, too. [maddoxaom / Source: YouTube]
I liked it better, too. [maddoxaom / Source: YouTube]
This is brilliant… and who knew Wolverine was a virtuoso? Hugh Logan Wolverine Jackman sings. About Hugh Logan Wolverine Jackman. [gloveandboots]
Wow. Just wow. One of the best short fan film I’ve seen in a while. Also, I think you’ll be in for a great surprise when you learn who that lady actually is. What happens when your day job gets in the way of your new relationship? [chestersee | Via The Mary Sue]
[Source: Buzzfeed | Via GT]
A cool concept video by Blulight Studios, which eventually should lead to a short movie. What happens when a spaceship hovers over McAllen, TX? A Blulight Studios production, created by JP Jaramillo, score and sound design by Phillip Jordan, starring Jason Garza. [BlulightStudios]
Artist Justin Currie drew a series of awesome illustrations portraying various Marvel and DC superheroes as robots. He calls his particular style “Shattered Vector Painting.” You can check ’em all out below! [Source: Justin Currie | Via]
“The Wolverine” is coming out next weekend, and while it looks better than Wolverine: Origins, so do most types of skin rash. We revisit the massive letdown that ruined the most badass member of the X-Men. Thanks Sam! [Screen Junkies]
Best Hishe episode ever! Be sure to watch it till the end! The solution to stopping Zod isn’t just a “snap”… it’s also a cinch. [HisHe]
After years of boring clicks, Minesweeper’s finally been given the love it deserves — and the Western theme song it clearly was missing. Random Encounters’ newest musical turns Minesweeper into a desert wasteland and sends its badass star into the thick of it. [RandomEncountersEnt]
In anticipation of the upcoming summer blockbuster The Wolverine, Break Media’s hit series Man at Arms’ newest episode features Hollywood blacksmith Tony Swatton recreating Wolverine’s iconic retractable claws from X-Men. I also got this press release via email, which should interest those of you attending SDCC 2013: For your readers attending Comic-Con 2013, on Thursday […]