Featured Sci-Fi Short – Thousandth Street: Under the Sky [Video]
The break of a police officer on patrol is suddenly interrupted by an unexpected event which he ?will have to face… [ArtFX]
The break of a police officer on patrol is suddenly interrupted by an unexpected event which he ?will have to face… [ArtFX]
Since R.I.P.D. comes out soon, and since R.I.P.D. is basically Men In Black 4, we thought it would be fun to go back to last year and see what sins we could find in Men In Black 3. [CinemaSins]
From the official Star Wars Youtube channel, a great mini-documentary showcasing some of the most amazing Star Wars fan groups from around the world, including the 501st, the Rebel Legion, and many, many more. [Star Wars | Via Miss K & Mr J]
Being a real-life superhero with real superpowers certainly has its drawbacks… [AndrewMFilms | Via TA]
With just a little “enhancement” this ad for 20th Century Fox’s The Wolverine (apparently located in a Brooklyn subway station) was improved by leaps and bounds. [Source: Poster Boy | Via]
Can’t wait for this one to come out! I used to watch Captain Harlock all the time back when I was a kid… except that where I’m from, this guy was called Albator. [cinematoday]
From nerdy songs band The Doubleclicks: We took submissions for this project on our last nationwide tour, & online. We received somewhere between 150-250 geek girl videos, as well as some from some awesome prominent geeks: Kelly Sue Deconnick, Amy Berg, John Scalzi, Josh A. Cagan, Adam Savage, Paul & Storm, Wil Wheaton, Marian Call […]
Star Wars vs. Game of Thrones is an hilarious subreddit dedicated to mashing up “themes” from the two shows. Here are some of my favorites. [Reddit | Via IO9]
Just in time for The Wolverine, we bring you all the sins we could find in Bryan Singer’s original X-Men movie. [CinemaSins]
Once you hit play on this one, be sure to put the video in full screen mode and then switch the resolution over to 720p! My pals from UK-Based Sneaky Zebra have finally crossed the pond to come and make a video featuring cosplayers and celebrities that attended this year’s edition of San Diego’s Comic-Con, […]