Crazy Facts About Science Fiction Films [Video] A series of fun and interesting facts and information on various popular science fiction movies by our friends over at Buzzfeed! [Buzzfeed] A series of fun and interesting facts and information on various popular science fiction movies by our friends over at Buzzfeed! [Buzzfeed]
A fun sci-fi short film by writer/director Andrew Kelleher: Robotic prosthetic limbs have become more powerful and versatile than natural ones, granting their users incredible new skills and strength. A law is passed limiting the use of the dangerous technology, causing the leading distributor of the limbs to recall its products. An employee and a […]
A fantastic cosplay by Live Journal user dw-cosplay costumed as Rose Tyler when she got her face sucked off in Doctor Who’s The Idiot’s Lantern episode. [Source: dw-cosplay on Live Journal | Via]
The world’s handiest tool gets its own theme song, thanks to The Warp Zone and Duck Tales. And lest you arrived here confused, it’s duct tape, not duck tape. (Unless you’re talking about Duck brand duct tape, in which i will begrudgingly let it pass.) [via laughing squid]
Watch as Internet sensation Nathan Barnatt gets hit on the head and starts dancing all over L.A. and Las Vegas dressed as Super Mario. [Nathan Barnatt] Marvel has just released a cool new TV spot for Thor: The Dark World. Check it out! Marvel’s “Thor: The Dark World” continues the big-screen adventures of Thor, the Mighty Avenger, as he battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself. In the aftermath […]
Star Drunk is a short sci-fi film that was written and acted by drunk people. Yep, written drunk. Acted drunk. Star Drunk is the sequel to the viral short film ‘Cleverbot: Do You Love Me.’ Star Drunk is an experiment in writing a short film while drunk; several writers from Portland got together one night […]
This is awesome: Brotherhood Workshop‘s stop-motion animated version of the first teaser for Peter Jackson’s upcoming film, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. It took two months to make this, and the attention to detail is kind of amazing. Check it out: And for good measure, here it is against Peter Jackson’s trailer: The film […]
Watch as Gollum auditions for key roles in various classic movies such as Forrest Gump, The Silence of the Lamb, and plenty of others. Funny stuff. [Ijameswalters]
Mario Warfare episode 4 is finally out, with episode 5 soon to be on its way. As far as I’m concerned, this is the coolest episode yet. If you haven’t seen the previous episodes yet, be sure to check them out right here: –Mario Warfare Episode 1 –Mario Warfare Episode 2 –Mario Warfare Episode 3 […]