Puppets + Ragtime Jazz = Blair Crimmins’ Latest Music Video, Old Sport!

I moved from Atlanta, Georgia to Phoenix, Arizona ย less than a month ago, and one of the things I miss most of all is the musical stylings ofย Blair Crimmins and the Hookers. Blair is a musical genius, combining ragtime and Dixieland jazz with timeless lyrics. He plays any combination of ukulele, banjo, and piano during […]

Unicycling Darth Vader plays Star Wars Theme on Fire-Shooting Bagpipes [Video]

You may have already seen a video of Darth Vader playing the Imperial March on bagpipes while riding a unicycle in the past, but now, Vader has upgraded his musical instrument to a set that shoots flames up in the air, which is a totally good reason to post his performance once again. [squiddkidd | […]

RoboCop (2014) Official Trailer #1 [Video]

The first official trailer for the Reboot of the 1987 Sci-fi action flick, Robocop. Yep, another reboot. sigh. This one looks pretty good though. In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) – a loving husband, father and good cop – is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their […]

Un Conte: Beautiful Animated Short Tells an Incredibly Sad and Tragic Story [Video]

Warning: Even though this movie is nothing short of brilliant and beautiful, it tells an incredibly tragic and sad story. You’ve been warned. This beautifully animated short was made by 3rd year student Guillaume Arantes as a graduation movie at Gobelins, A school of applied arts, print and digital media located in France. I was […]